Dollar Store Halloween Wreaths
To Die For!I use the ubiquitous name “Dollar Store” to cover any low-priced craft location. It may be a Dollar Tree, Dollar General, or a .99 Cents Only store. You may shop at FiveBelow, Walmart, Big Lots, or Target. Or for additional savings, check out your local craft stores for end-of-the-season discounts to keep your projects budget-friendly. But at the end of the day, the term “Dollar Store” is universally understood.
Here are some of my own creations, as well as my top picks for unique and creative “Dollar Store” Halloween wreaths. I hope you find some inspiration in the designs below!

Spooky Skulls
Vanessa Brady with TRIED & TRUE CREATIVE came up with this hauntingly fun wreath. I just love the color combination! Bonus feature: the skull’s eyes light up for another layer of spine-tingling spookiness! Click the image to check out her blog and video post for the full tutorial.
Eerie Eyeballs
I found this eyeball wreath at BOOTURTLE SHOW AND TELL and the entire project is glueless! Grab some stick pins and click the image for the full step-by-step process!
Creepy Cauldron
The Tomlinsons over at THE KEEPER OF THE CHEERIOS created a unique spin on door wreaths by using a pizza pan and ornaments to make this wicked witch’s cauldron. What kind of dollar store magic is this?!! I don’t know, but I love it!
Devilish Deco Mesh
I love the abundance of orange deco mesh in this wreath! The addition of the eyeballs and top hat truly make it special. Check out Shelly’s tutorial here at 100 THINGS 2 DO
Monster Mash
Of course, HGTV would come up with something this fun! Made from car washing mitts, this guy is reminiscent of a goofy Muppets character. Click here for the tutorial.
Disney Delight
I just love this Mickey Ears inspired wreath! Held together by Zip-a-dee-doo-dah Zip Ties, you can have this one hanging on your front door in no time flat! Thank you to NO GUILT DISNEY for the fun idea!
Ominous ornaments
WHERE THE SMILES HAVE BEEN transformed basic dollar store ornaments and created a wreath that looks like it came from a high-end department store. Click the image to follow along with Christine for the 411 on this gorgeous design.
Dia De Los Muertos
We would be remiss if we didn’t include a Day of The Dead door wreath! And Heather, with CHANNELLING DOLLY has nailed this one! If you’re looking for a colorful digression from the standard black and orange, this one is for you.
I hope you’ve found inspiration in the designs above! If you’re the creative type and enjoy crafting or DIY projects, consider joining the monthly newsletter for even more Danelia Design Home & Garden Ideas!
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